
Inspire me Sunday


Good morning Sunday. I guess I will just make Sunday a relaxing and inspiring day of the week by posting love links I found during each week.

Enjoy beautiful things and have a merry Sunday!

Laura Carlin  : love her design on ceramics.

World's first 3D printing photo booth : this is very cool!

diy project : tiny doors : this super cute project reminds me of two things. One is The Borrowers and the other is an article I just read in Frankie magazine which talks about how important of stuffs we collect. No matter how non-functional they are (like these tiny doors), as long as they keep you happy just looking at them, it's worth the keeping (or making). I just love this imaginative idea :)

flying houses photos made me think of The Wizard of Oz.

up up & away illustration print : another flying art, always love her works.

PS. No new ideas for PiBoIdMo yet. Hope I could have one or two during laundry :P

1 comment:

  1. I like the composition of your photo! And I love to see cacti in bloom - it takes so long for them to flower, in must be doubly appreciated:)


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