Hello my blog. I'm still here and always think about you. It's not that I don't have anything to say. I have a lot and maybe too many. I don't feel putting things into words (that can happen sometimes) but I do feel putting them into drawings. I draw online (you can see it on my facebook page) and I draw offline ( too many ideas on too many sketchbooks that sometimes I couldn't find which one I put the right ideas on)
I did a whole new drawing collection, which I will talk about it here very soon. I'm searching ideas for another new drawing theme and I'm just feeling very excited and looking forward to an e-course in June.
That's how I am right now feeling happy and energized (just hope it will stay with me even on gray days) I hope you're doing fine and like your new blog header ( a girl and bubbles are what I'm in love right now)
Just stop by to drop a line. I will get back to you very soon.
Be patient, my little blog.
Your owner :)
Thanks for letting us know! I love your work and how you share about your creative process. Can't wait to see the new stuff.