One night I picked up this little brown book and started drawing then posted it on instagram and my facebook page. I wrote 'draw everyday' in the caption and decided to do drawing everyday challenge again. This is a bit scary to me as I used to do a grand project called '365 days I draw' started in 2010, meaning to draw on specific topic everyday for a year. Sadly, I could manage only 130 drawings. After that I found drawing on topic everyday was stressful and not fun anymore so I stopped it. I missed the feeling of doing something everyday though.
So here I am starting an everyday project again. This time I make it easier by drawing on smaller space (this book is about 4x5 inches), using limited colors as I have only a few markers and no topic. I almost called it bedtime drawings as I only draw at night, after work when I am most relaxed.
It is really a nourishing project. I found myself looking forward to drawing something at night everyday. It's funny that by day I get stressed on drawing something for work, by night the same activity can also make me relaxed :)
I have come to day 13 already. You can follow my everyday drawings through facebook and instagram (@onmerryday or #littlebrownbookproject). I already bought several copies of this little brown book. Let's see which one will come first, me getting bored or run out of ideas or all the books filled up.
I hope it will be the latter. Thanks for coming. Have a merry day :D

What a great idea, l am thinking of joining you as haven't painted for over a year and before l as painted every day. Will go out and get some small books as all mine are 20ins x 6ns and to big. I sit in front of my painting desk surrounded by paints and water colour pencils which l fancy using.
ReplyDeleteAnyone else going to join in ?
Jill Smith
I'm so glad that my little project can inspire you to go back to your art. I hope next year we can look at the book and wonder how many drawings/paintings we have accomplished. :D