How do you find inspiration each day?
I used to live my life as I like it. I mean if I woke up one morning and didn't feel like working or creating, I wouldn't do it thinking forcing myself to do things when I was not inspired was fruitless. I would never do good works anyway. But now I realized that that was a kind of giving up without even attempt to start. The key is that when you get uninspired, don't let such boredom bring you down. I could be bored and depressed for days or even week! That's not good for my creative work at all. So, I try to adjust myself, to try to find something to inspire me whenever I begin to feel bored.
Generally, I would go to books, browsing through beautiful illustrations, reading lovely words. Or I would go through all the lovely blogs or go to coffee shop, sketching and watching people. Today I have realized that you can get inspired on a daily basis with some payment.
That doesn't sound good, right? To buy inspiration? But I have learnt that it's really worthwhile to pay some money to support those who work so hard with their words, their research and their inner selves to get people inspired. This I mean some e-courses I have taken. One of them is Creative Courage, Not sure if I talked about this class on this blog yet. I have enrolled for this course twice already and both session give me so much.
Another class is Treasure Hunt photo prompts from Andrea Scher's Superhero life. This is a self-paced class where I get photo prompts in my mailbox everyday. The thing is that Andrea doesn't send me just topics and tell me to shoot this or that. But she sends her little stories along with the topics too. It's just like reading mini inspiring posts everyday. The topics get me curious and want to go out take some photos, her voice gets me inspired and want to do more of creative things. She makes me think, that is.
These two classes made me write the word 'each day' How do you find inspiration each day? These classes give me inspiration each day and I think it's very important to wake up each morning and ask myself what will inspire me today. Don't wait for inspiration, sometimes you have to find one for yourself to keep your creative life on track.
The picture above is what I'm working on, to build up my work for my shop and my portfolio. Yes. I'm still working and I think this is the reason I wake up and try to find inspiration so that I can keep this work going :)
How about you? How do you find inspiration each day?
One word ... Pinterest!
ReplyDeleteSeriously though, I gave up chasing inspiration. I just let it happen as it comes and sometimes it comes from surprising places. One of my bigger surprises came from a drawing that was in the Wall Street Journal! o_O
Yes Pinterest is the great place for inspiration but it can take a lot of your time though :)
DeleteI like when I find inspiration from surprising places and I think it's kind of fun too when you expect to find it and then do! :D
Pavinee, I love this post. I love meeting you through Creative Courage and all the inspiration we can find from doing other courses, being online, but having worked alone for some years now, I have found a rhythm of my own which I have described in my latest post "minutes by the sea - easter moon" which you can find here http://suzipoland.blogspot.com.au/2013/03/easter-moon.html. Thanks again for making us think about these things, what has meaning to each one of us. What is self sustaining, sustains us.