Almost 3 months that I have been absent from this blog. I should give this blog up already as it seems I will never keep posting consistently. But I like blogging. It's the best method of recording my life. So here I am again.
However, as I decided earlier since the end of last year that this year of 2014 will be my year of being offline, which means I will focus more on my making art offline rather than sharing online as I used to, this blog will mostly keep records of my everyday drawings for some time. Until I'm ready to share more of my art experience ;)
The good thing is today I'm still drawing :)
Just keep on drawing Pavinee, like you write in this post. As I told before I struggle with balance also. I decided to keep my blogposts short and just post drawings. And I made a week-schedule with social media etc on certain days. This was not my social media and blog reading day ;-), but I wanted to respond to your post.I like seeing your drawings.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Esther :D It's a good idea to have a week-schedule with social media. I'm still struggling with it. Can't help checking in on my facebook page everyday. But at least I manage to spend less time on it and begin to be more productive each day :D
DeleteI love looking at your paintings too, and also Yvone's. It's nice to be close to those who inspire you, isn't it? ;)